
       Machine Learning
      Deep Learning
        Neural Networks

Machine learning

Computer programs whose performance at a task improves with experience

Dominant approach:

Feeding vast amounts of data to algorithms


1943:  Warren McCulloch & Walter Pitts—mathematical model of artificial neuron.

1961:  Frank Rosenblatt—perceptron.

1961:  Arthur Samuel’s checkers program.

1986:  James McClelland, David Rumelhart & PDP Research Group—book: “Parallel Distributed    Processing”.



  Schematic from <a href="" target="_blank">Dhp1080, Wikipedia</a>

   Modified from <a href="" target="_blank">O.C. Akgun & J. Mei 2019</a>

Neural networks

A NN is a parameterized function which can, in theory, solve any problem to any level of accuracy.

The learning process is the mapping of input data to output data (in a training set) through the adjustment of the parameters.

Neural networks


 Image by <a href="" target="_blank">Na Ji, UC Berkeley</a>

   Modified from <a href="" target="_blank">O.C. Akgun & J. Mei 2019</a>

Neural networks

Single layer of artificial neurons   →   Unable to learn even some of the simple mathematical functions (Marvin Minsky & Seymour Papert).

Two layers   →   Theoretically can approximate any math model, but in practice very slow.

More layers   →   Deeper networks

Neural networks

Single layer of artificial neurons   →   Unable to learn even some of the simple mathematical functions (Marvin Minsky & Seymour Papert).

Two layers   →   Theoretically can approximate any math model, but in practice very slow.

More layers   →   Deeper networks  →  deep learning.

Types of NN

Fully-connected, feedforward, single-layer NN

From “Neural Networks and Deep Learning” free online book, Chapter 5

Each neuron receives input from every element of the previous layer.

Fully-connected, feedforward, deep NN

From “Neural Networks and Deep Learning” free online book, Chapter 5

Data with large input sizes (e.g. images) would require a huge number of neurons.

Convolutional neural network (CNN)

From Programming Journeys by Rensu Theart

Used for spatially structured data.

Convolution layers   →   each neuron receives input only from a subarea of the previous layer.

Pooling   →   combines the outputs of neurons in a subarea to reduce the data dimensions.

Not fully connected.

Recurrent neural network (RNN)

From fdeloche, Wikipedia

Used for chain structured data (e.g. text).

Not feedforward.

General principles

Derived from Arthur Samuel’s approach.

Building a model

First, we need an architecture (size, depth, types of layers, etc.).
This is set before training and does not change.

Building a model

A model also comprises parameters.
Those are set to some initial values, but will change during training.

Training a model

To train the model, we need labelled data in the form of input/output pairs.

Training a model

Inputs and parameters are fed to the architecture.

Training a model

We get predictions as outputs.

Training a model

A metric (e.g. error rate) compares predictions and labels and is a measure of model performance.

Training a model

Because it is not always sensitive enough to changes in parameter values, we compute a loss function …

Training a model

… which allows to adjust the parameters slightly through backpropagation.
This cycle gets repeated for a number of steps.

Using a model

At the end of the training process, what matters is the combination of architecture and trained parameters.

Using a model

That’s what constitute a model.

Using a model

A model can be considered as a regular program …

Using a model

… and be used to obtain outputs from inputs.

Natural Language Processing

Language models

A language model is a probability distribution over sequences of words. It attempts to predict the next word after any sequence of words.

Pre-trained models can be used to quickly get good results in all sorts of problems such as, for instance, sentiment analysis.

Data bias

Bias is always present in data.

Document the limitations and scope of your data as best as possible.

Problems to watch for:

  • Out of domain data: data used for training are not relevant to the model application.
  • Domain shift: model becoming inadapted as conditions evolve.
  • Feedback loop: initial bias exacerbated over the time.

The last one is particularly problematic whenever the model outputs the next round of data based on interactions of the current round of data with the real world.

Solution: ensure there are human circuit breakers and oversight.

Two main types of models

- Classification

- Regression

Major pitfall: over-fitting

From Chabacano, Wikipedia

Major pitfall: over-fitting

- Training too long
- Training without enough data
- Too many parameters

Transfer learning

Repurposing pretrained models.

- Less data needed
- Less computing time needed
- Leads to better accuracy


What is fastai?

What is fastai?


  • Very Pythonic.
  • Widely used in research.


fastai is a deep learning library that builds on top of PyTorch, adding a higher level of functionality.

[It] is organized around two main design goals: to be approachable and rapidly productive, while also being deeply hackable and configurable.



Peer-reviewed paper


Paperback version
Free MOOC version of part 1 of the book
Jupyter notebooks version of the book

Getting help

Discourse forum

Basic workflow

- DataLoaders

Create iterators with the training and validation data.

- Learner

Train the model.

- Predict or visualize

Get predictions from our model.
